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Roofers: They Get It You want a safe home. You want a warm home. And of course, you want an energy-efficient home. Do you know what can help you achieve all of these goals? Your roof. That's right, if you call up a roofer and tell them about your desires, they can recommend some roofing repairs or materials to help you achieve those desires. They may recommend a metal roof, or they might recommend adding zinc strips to the roof peak. It all depends. One thing we can promise, though, is that learning more about roofing is a good idea. This blog is a good resource, but we recommend looking for other ones, too.





Why You Should Schedule Roof Repair During The Winter

Working on a roof is not easy. Height, temperatures, and weather conditions work against one another to make repairing or replacing a roof a difficult and dangerous task. If you are thinking about having your roof repaired or replaced, the best season for it is often fall. Here are a few reasons why this is true.

Fall Is the End of the Rainy Weather

There are numerous severe weather events that can occur throughout the spring and summer that could result in damage to your roof. By fall, this stormy season has come to an end, and it is the perfect time for your roof to be inspected to identify any damage that has occurred. Since the season is drier during the fall, it is an ideal time for roof work to be performed due to the fact that rain can cause roofing work to be delayed and have a negative impact on the quality of work performed.

The Conditions Are Ideal

Ultimately, it is best for roofing materials to be installed when temperatures are around 70 degrees. Therefore, it is generally too cold during the winter, but it can be too warm to work during the summer. The right temperature can help ensure that the shingles seal properly and adhere to the roof. Plus, the fall temperatures make performing roof work more comfortable for contractors.

Cold Temperatures Make It Difficult to Work with Shingles

When it is cold outside, the shingles often become brittle and much more likely to break as they are nailed to the roof. Because of this, roofing contractors may avoid using their roofing guns when nailing the shingles and instead use a hammer, which can result in delays in the roofing project as well as an increase in costs.

Storm Season Begins Again in Winter

Just as you have to deal with the storm season during the spring and summer, you also have to worry about it during the winter. This means the potential for damage to your roof. If there is existing roof damage, a stormy season can result in existing damage getting larger and worse. Therefore, it is best to get roof work done in between the stormy seasons.

It is not uncommon for homeowners to assume that they can wait until winter or spring for increased availability from roofing contractors and lower prices, but this may not necessarily be true, and it could hurt you in the long run. Fall is the perfect time to get your roofing work done. Contact a roof repair contractor today for more information about roof repair.
