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Roofers: They Get It You want a safe home. You want a warm home. And of course, you want an energy-efficient home. Do you know what can help you achieve all of these goals? Your roof. That's right, if you call up a roofer and tell them about your desires, they can recommend some roofing repairs or materials to help you achieve those desires. They may recommend a metal roof, or they might recommend adding zinc strips to the roof peak. It all depends. One thing we can promise, though, is that learning more about roofing is a good idea. This blog is a good resource, but we recommend looking for other ones, too.





Top Tips When Choosing A Commercial Roofing System

Roofs are an essential part of any commercial construction project. The significance of the roof is evident when evaluating its impact on your business, storage needs, the comfort of workers, and other factors. Modern-day commercial roofing systems use developments in the field of material science and climate control. Therefore, you have a wide variety of roofing options. This article discusses a few tips that can guide you in selecting commercial roofing systems

Business Needs

Your roofing system should cater to the needs of your business. What do you do in the building? Which materials do you store in the building? Do your workers need roof access? Different companies require different roofing solutions. If you want to roof a factory floor and your processes produce corrosive materials, consider non-metallic materials. Alternatively, you can choose modern metal roofs with protective layers that protect against corrosion agents such as pollutants and moisture. Some business tasks require workers to walk on the tops for different purposes. In such a case, you need built-up membranes for roofing. The built-up roofing membrane holds up to foot traffic if the underlying structure is stable. These examples show that different roofing systems cater to different business needs. Ensure you evaluate your business needs before selecting a commercial roofing system. 

The Environment

Like all roofing systems, your commercial roof of choice must be suitable for the environment. For example, in areas with high temperatures, you should avoid ethyl propylene diene terpolymer (EPDM) roofing systems or rubber roofing. This roofing system is cheap, but different bond seams lose their integrity due to high temperatures. Other roofing systems, such as built-up roofing membranes, are UV-resistant, and you can add a coating that reflects heat. Not only is such a roofing system suitable for hot areas, but it also helps in climate control. Therefore, ensure you select a roofing system that responds well to environmental factors such as rain, heat, sunlight, and the effluents from your business processes. 

Eco-Friendly Roofing

Most businesses today want to demonstrate that they care about society and the environment. This strategy is essential for both marketing and appeasing the authorities. One way to show that your firm is socially responsible is to choose commercial roofing systems that are eco-friendly. Your roofing contractor can help you choose from various options, including cool roofing, clay tiles, or solar panels. Cool roofing is where your roof has a reflective light color that sends off the sun's heat instead of absorbing the heat. This roof reduces the cost of air conditioning and your business' strain on the power grid. Alternatively, you can select clay tiles made from natural materials. These tiles are durable, insect-resistant, fire-resistant, and maintenance-free. Solar roofing improves the energy efficiency of your commercial building. With the advancement of solar technology in recent years, choosing solar shingles, panels, and similar roofing systems is a great way to ensure sustainable business. 


Business projects are under stricter rules regarding the budget than personal projects. Therefore, you cannot afford the luxury of choosing a roofing system without justifying your reasoning to your shareholders and partners. It would help if you explored cheap roofing options that do not strain your budget. For example, thermoplastic polyolefin is a growing trend in commercial roofing that can help you cut down on the roofing cost. Apart from material choice, you should select a roofing shape that significantly reduces your cost. For example, low sloped roofs are cheaper than pitched roofs if you consider the same materials. Therefore, the budget is a huge determinant of the commercial roofing system you choose. 

Consider your business needs, the environment, social responsibility,  and budget when selecting commercial roofing systems.   
