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Roofers: They Get It You want a safe home. You want a warm home. And of course, you want an energy-efficient home. Do you know what can help you achieve all of these goals? Your roof. That's right, if you call up a roofer and tell them about your desires, they can recommend some roofing repairs or materials to help you achieve those desires. They may recommend a metal roof, or they might recommend adding zinc strips to the roof peak. It all depends. One thing we can promise, though, is that learning more about roofing is a good idea. This blog is a good resource, but we recommend looking for other ones, too.




How To Help Your Concrete Tile Roof Last Longer

Concrete tile roofs are often touted to be long-lived and durable. Indeed, these roofs do tend to last longer than those made from asphalt shingles, cedar, fiberglass, and other flimsy materials. But that does not mean your concrete tile roof does not require any attention. If you really want it to last and stay in good shape throughout its lifespan, you do need to take care of it. Here are some ways to better care for your concrete tile roof so it lasts as long as possible.

Treat Any Algae

Like all concrete items, concrete roofing is prone to a certain amount of algae growth, especially if it remains wet and in the shade for an extended period of time. Algae will stain the concrete and will also cause it to break down faster. So, if you see any algae on your concrete roof, do not ignore it. If you're confident on a ladder, you could power wash the algae away yourself. However, most people offer a roofing company to come clean algae off their roofs. This approach is safer and likely more thorough.

Have Cracked Tiles Replaced

Sometimes, people will notice that one of their concrete roof tiles has cracked. But when they go into the attic, they do not see any evidence of leaks, so they figure the crack is not a big deal. 

Your roof may not immediately start leaking when one of your roof tiles cracks, but this does not mean you should ignore the crack. Water is likely seeping through the crack, and then it is running under your other concrete tiles. It's not leaking into your attic because your roof has a waterproof layer called an underlayment between the tiles and the roof deck. However, the water can cause damage to the back of the other roof tiles. As such, having cracked tiles replaced promptly is important for the longevity of your concrete tile roof.

Keep Gutters Clear

Gutters are meant to collect water so it drains from the roof. If your gutters become clogged, water will sit in contact with the edges of your roof for longer than is necessary. This can cause the concrete tiles along the edges to break down faster than they should. Make sure you are either cleaning your gutters twice a year or hiring professionals to do this maintenance.

If you complete the steps above, you'll be taking better care of your concrete tile roof. It will pay you back with extra years of service. 

For more info, contact a local roofer
